The catalytic is a part if your car’s exhaust system that reduces the amount of harmful pollution given off by the engine. The exhaust of traditional gas-powered engines includes hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides.
Why are these gases bad? Hydrocarbons, which are stable on their own, react with light or nitrogen oxides. Hydrocarbons, such as methane, are a known air pollutant. They reduce a plants photosynthesis process, which is a process that takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. Hydrocarbons are known to increase cancer rates and respiratory illnesses. They also contribute to the greenhouse effect and deplete the ozone layer.
Nitrogen oxides are also a major contributor to air pollution contributing to the problems of smog and acid raid.
Carbon Monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas that is also highly lethal.
With these three compounds included in a car’s exhaust as a byproduct of burning gas, auto manufacturers had to figure out a way to make exhaust safer by neutralizing these dangerous chemicals. As these gases enter the catalytic converter, they are converted into water vapor and carbon dioxide, which is by far safer than the hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons.
Inside the catalytic converter, which is situated between the engine and the muffler on your exhaust system, has a piece of ceramic that is coated with precious metals. These metals are catalysts and interact with the poisonous gases from the engine and convert them into safer compounds. The precious metals on the ceramic include palladium, rhodium, and platinum.
The problem with catalytic converters is they are expensive to replace. For older cars, the cost of the catalytic converter may even be more than the car is worth in total. With the demand for catalytic converters for older cars being very high, it has become very common for these parts to be stolen. Disreputable service shops will buy these stolen parts and sell them to unsuspecting drivers passing off the stolen converter as new equipment. The other reason catalytic converters are so often stolen is for the precious metals mentioned above. All three of these metals sell for very high amounts. As of December 2021, the price of one ounce of Rhodium is just under $12,800. Palladium sells for $1,891 per ounce. Compare those prices to gold, which is currently selling for $1,796 per ounce. Even though there are only less than 6 grams of the metals in the newer catalytic converters (1 ounce is 28.35 grams) with the high prices these metals sell for, even 6 grams can sell for a few hundred dollars.
While carbon dioxide is preferable to carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, or hydrocarbons, it is still an issue for the environment. Carbon dioxide, being a greenhouse gas does also contribute to the issues of climate change. As we have been seeing, the trends for new cars are to be hybrid or electric cars. As we move forward, more and more new cars are going to be electric greatly reducing or even eliminating greenhouse gas emissions. When cars get to the point of being fully electric, the need for catalytic converters will also go away. However, for now, they continue to be necessary and a concern for owners of older model cars.